America’s Next Top Model Final Five


My friend, Traci (bigmomma41), was mentioning how much her and her daughter love America’s Next Top Model, so I thought, why not blog about it?

Nigel say relaxI guess the producers couldn’t afford anymore photographers so they got Nigel Barker to do the grunt work once more this season. (And in the previews for next week’s episode,  it looks like Tyra is photographing them.)

So it was down to the final five this week. Foe, the eternally weeping fountain, finally got the boot.  I think the producers kept her that long in the competition because she was the “crier”.

Tyra also gave them a list of obstacles to overcome.  Whether it was being short, black, old or quirky (attributes that, you know, you can fix easily by plastic surgery—thanks Tyra.)

So here are my opinions on the remaining four contestants.

Search results for cw1Celia, the Martha Plimpton look-alike (the nerdy girl from The Goonies) has a good chance of winning.  She has a good body of work. I think they will not let her win because she is too old.  Also, they think she is desperate (remember when she tried to sabotage Thalia?)

 Recently Updated117 Teyona, the alien/ special needs girls (she is very pretty, but I believe she looks a little “special needs”—which is not a bad thing).  She is the judges favorite so far, and she seems smart enough.  The girl did book all her go-sees. What is holding her back? Apparently, if any of the early episodes matter, her molars.

Recently Updated118 Aminat, Miss trout pout, has no chance of winning.  Her photos are just so boring. Benny ninja takes better photos than her.  But she “has the body”, as the judges have said.
My favorite part of the episode is when they are in the helicopter, and Aminat says (which is written out in subtitles), “Look at the birds! We're like birds!"

Pictures14Allison, baby Lemur, is my favorite! I love how Nigel and Tyra imitate her like chipmunks!
She is adorable, I want to take her home and put her in my pocket.  Allison, not the monkey.  The monkey will just poop all over.
She is the underdog/ wildcard at the moment. She has “improved”.

Tyra does not seem as crazy as usual this cycle. Is it from the lack of Janice?
Tyra’s hair, although, is a whole ‘nother story.

Also, anyone else annoyed by McKee’s Cover Girl commercials? I find them unbearable.

What are your thoughts on this cycle’s AMNTM?


Danielle Elieth said...


*the monkey will just poop all over*

SHe is super cute....totally lemurish!

Kasia said...
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Lauren said...

I LOVE Allison!!! I was sooo happy when she her picture was called first a couple weeks ago! she is so pretty :D

r1ma said...

lol baby lemur fan club down here!