Fashion Copycat
I am addicted to blind gossip. Unlike Perez Hilton, who has lost all creativity since making friends with Madonna and does nothing now except publicly outing gays and going on a brutal crusade against Miss California, blind gossip is so much more fun. It is like trying to solve mysteries rather than reading some celebrity blogger’s opinions about everyone. Bech, please.
Here is a fashion related one that I found amusing and stumped me quite a bit.
BuzzFoto - This very A list singer is starting to get very peeved at another pop star. Although each individual’s music could be considered in different genres, the source says that our A list singer takes issue with this British Tart’s outrageous fashion sense. Our A list musician was doing the strange outfits first and can’t believe the attention this new up-and-comer is getting. She claims she will rave about her in future interviews if asked about it, but secretly she is fuming.
Who do you think it is?
Click to their site to see some guesses already made…
(source, buzzFoto via blindgossip)
I think the A-list singer is Gaga. So now we need to think about a british singer that try to copy her!
OMG this is fun :-D
great blog its funny well the people arguing in the comments is ;)
I chuckled at these two comments for five minutes:
"I thought Lady Gaga was from New Jersey?"
"Maybe they got confused by her royal title."
yes...LADY Gaga has been knighted or whatever by the Queen of England.
I'm thinking it's Beyonce and Estelle.
I don't know. How can we find out the answer? :S
WHat's with that Agatha Ruiz de la Prada dress?
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