Mothers Day Special! Anna vs. Carine, Bee vs. Julia

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You gals have probably seen these, but what the heck…I love these women (one more than the other—a whole lot more than the other) too much.

Anna_wintour Carine_Roitfeld

I wouldn’t be surprised if Anna came out of the womb with that haircut.

I think Julia Restoin Roitfeld looks so much like Carine when she was younger.

I continually confuse Bee Shaffer and Julia.  Maybe it is the long black hair.



If you could have one of these girls be your best friend, who’d it be?  Bee Shaffer or Julia Restoin Roitfeld?

I’d go with Bee. Anna knows more celebrities than Carine. So if Bee is my best friend, I’d be able to meet Justin Timberlake, Blake Lively and any other celebrity who goes on the Vogue cover.

But what about you?

Also, is it just me, or does Bee have an uncanny resemblance to Amanda from Ugly Betty?

1 comment :

Kasia said...

All four of them are so amazing.