Anna at British Vogue


As you may know, Anna Wintour was the editor-in-chief of British Vogue for a brief period during the 1980's. Well, Anna really steered British Vogue in a new direction, giving it a much more avant-garde take on style. This issue in which Anna edited was one of the best selling issues of any magazine during the '80's because of the unusual and modern styling. 

All of these years, Anna's covers for American Vogue have been much more commercially appealing - and it seams Vogue is going through some financial struggles at the moment. So, my question is, considering this 1980's cover for British Vogue was one of the highest selling magazine issues of the 1980's,  would it really be that bad to return to your roots, and experiment a little?

These covers aren't so bad - the articles are what's important, but it wouldn't be so bad to test the waters by putting out a more avant-garde cover, would it? The covers should make you look twice, trust me Vogue, people will buy them! 

Another best-selling issue from '60's.


זבל said...

Damn, Anna was so good in the British Vogue. She was way better back then, maybe she should be in Vogue UK again. That's what I hope for :)

Jessie said...

I see what you are saying but I just don't agree. I don't think as many people will buy Vogue if she changes it up. So many people are focused on the media and celebrities in America these days and they buy stuff with celebrities on the cover in a nice, natural pose. It's what most people feel comfortable with. It's sad but I think it's the truth- I wish it wasn't because, to me, these covers are so boring! I much prefer the ones Anna did in the 80s but from a commercial standpoint I think American Vogue has it right.

Kasia said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. That's what I thought, but Vogue is at an all time low in terms of sales - they have never been beaten by ELLE with sales until just this year I think. So, who knows? Maybe it would be good to test something out, or maybe they should just stick to what they are doing but pick better cover girls and eventually their sales will rise.

Fakeshake3 said...

Alot of people can get intimidated when they see a high fashion cover. There is nothing for them to relate too.

Anonymous said...

Very true.
A lot of people seeing Avante-Garde make-up will feel it is no use to them buying the magazine because they know that they would never do their make-up ir hair in that style.
I am sure that is a fact,no?

Kasia said...

Perhaps something like this would be nice just to try:

or, maybe just a play with the font:

Maybe in these times people want fantasy. They'll never know if they don't try something out.

Kasia said...

I'm not saying they need to go crazy. Maybe they could just take notes from V and Interview's covers.

זבל said...

Don't say V, every time I hear the word I imagine that superduperextremlyawfulyamazingly awesome cover with Grace Jones, and I start drooling...

Anonymous said...

Vogue tries to be Vanity Fair, and Vanity Fair tries to be Vogue! Vanity Fair has a fashion spread, and Vogue has articles. Just BE YOUR SELF! I'm myself, a.k.a. mr. Anthony Springate, and I love fashion and art. Anna Wintour is herself, a heartless biznitch! So, Anna, let vogue be it's self and STOP IT WITH THE WRITING! The June issue had a total of like 4 REAL spreads. Really? That's why every one loves English, French, Italian, Portugese, Nippon, German, and Brazillion so much mor! I love Numero, personally. Shoot, Interview is all about INTERVIEWING, yet in september and in March it's editorial content far surpasses Vogues in artistic-ness, and creativity! Vogue, get a life!

anonymousSexy said...
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