Auguste Abeliunaite
Remember her?
Yeah, well that's Auguste. And she was 13 when she walked in that Jil Sander show. She turned 14 just a few days ago. She's younger than me! Well, right now we're both 14, but she's still younger. She was added to New York Magazine's list of models and given her own Model Profile today, which is pretty big, you know you've made it as a new fashion model when they give you your own profile. Anyway, I remember hearing she was young, but seeing that she was born in 1995 just kind of shocked me.

I can't help but to feel sorry for her, when a 13 year-old girl is shipped thousands of miles away from her family overnight so that she could support them by earning money depending on how pretty and thin she stays - now, that is just not right. She was in tears on the runway! She's such a beautiful girl, and walking the Fall 2009 shows at 13, I just think she is too young to be working in the harshest job towards a woman's self-confidence.

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Well, I actually have one: how did her agency let her in?
How is she THAT TALL at 14?! Maybe I'm just a shortie.
Wow. She's a month and 5 days older than me and probably 1/2 a foot taller!
Holy crap.
I really like her though. She's gorgeous.
I just looked at Ford Models when you posted this and they say 13 is the youngest. I am Lithuanian also! Well me great great grandparents were but I descended from them so that can count. How do you know her family is poverty stricken? I actually thought that Lithuania was a wealthy country.
I know.
I don't know that they're poverty stricken, but I'm assuming she's not just making this money so that she could buy candy and toys. She's most likely modeling this young to make money for her family, or for her college - either way, I would imagine you would feel a certain amount of pressure on you when you're trying to book jobs by yourself at 13.
It's just very shocking. I thought 16 was super young.
In "A Model Summer", Jirina has to support her mother and little sister at 15 by modeling in Paris - she winds up addicted to cocaine and pregnant. :S
Oh I did not mean to go against you! Just thinking a bit. I understand what you mean though. Lithuanians are usually very tall but usually blonde with very dark skin- like an olive-y color. My younger sis has those traits but I do not think we will be making a statement and signing her on to Ford any time soon! I was looking at Auguste's friends and some girl named Hanah something is also young... 15. What would be horrible is if her parents were forcing her against her will to make her pay for their expenses.
Really? Was that book good? I haven't heard any talk of t really.
Wow, that's like young! How tall is she? :O
She's a rising star.And there's nothing strange about 14 y.o. girl being taller than 175.In Lithuania there's a lot of children like that.(I mean children - 12-14).
Anyway,Im really happy about her - and the Jil Sander thing helped her a lot though
And Wylie - ur not very right.
Stereotype lithuanians are blond,blue eyed,tall of course,long haired and with bright,white skin.
lol balmania would know b/c she lives in lithuania, right?
i thought she was crying b/c of the make up or the lights?
either way her tears made her stand out, as the cut pointed out.
i think it is fine to be 13 in the industry as long as you have a good support system. it may scar her for life but she'll be rich and living easy.
lol, my great great grandparents were from there but not me. I could actually scan a picture of them with the whole family when they came to America. You can see how dark they are if you would like. They all look like they are wearing Marc Jacobs S/S 09!
Yeah, I read that they said it was the lights. I don't think it is bad that she is in the industry but I do feel sorry for her if she is that stressed (maybe that was why she cried even though they said the lights) and far away from her family.
Wylie - I am not saying youre from Lithuania.And I believe you - I just said what is stereotype.Everybody's diffrent - like me Im lithuanian but still not a blond,not blue eyed.
And yea it was about lights.
Oh I did not mean to argue with you, maybe you are right! Sorry if I offended you, I know you meant that, I was just saying what my great (x2) grandparents look like. You may be right I am just making a comment. Sorry if I am wrong as you probably have more knowledge than me. Sorry.
I dont want to argue too! :D
Everythings fine :)
Modeling is not a job hard on a womans self confidence, in fact it's the opposite. When you're let into an agency, you know you're gorgeous.
^ I don't think so.
And you're a model so you would know that..?
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