

Patrick Swayze passed away today at 57 after a two-year long battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Throughout his struggle with this horrible disease he was able to keep a positive attitude and continue doing what it was that he loved, and that is remarkably inspiring. He was a fantastic entertainer starring in such films as "The Outsiders", "Ghost", and "Dirty Dancing" earning him multiple Golden Globe Nominations. His appearance alongside Chris Farley on "Saturday Night Live" in 1990 remains as one of the most iconic moments in the show's history.

Rest In Peace.


Wylie said...

He was an American male Icon. Very sad.

Lauren said...

That's so sad.
2009 is a really depressing year!! With all the deaths and the recession.

Fashion.Fantasy said...

I agree with Lauren :(
Rest In Peace Patrick <3

r1ma said...

aww...I was so happy when I heard that he was getting better and saw pictures of him getting healthier

i hope he rests in peace...i love those three movies you mentioned but my personl favorite has to be To Wong Foo where he played a drag queen with Wesley Snipes. He was such a brilliant actor.

Kasia said...

Yeah, he really was a very talented actor. It's very sad, I hope his family is doing okay. :(