High Fashion Tyra


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Smile with your eyes, girls.


Fakeshake3 said...

I personally think Tyra Banks is one of the worst ever models.

r1ma said...


not the worst for me...but still not the top 10

She is a good role model and a savvy business woman though

Fakeshake3 said...

I really loathe her. I see what you mean, but she's just a little too ruthless. And a drama queen.

Lauren said...

I don't like her pictures. There's nothing that sparks for me when I see her pictures...

Anonymous said...

kasia just likes her because she worked with yves saint laurent but besides that she's an ugly fat bitch who decided to go into lingerie modeling because she didnt want to lose 20lbs

Kasia said...

Just because Tyra is not regularly featured in Vogue, and in ad campaigns like Naomi Campbell is, does not mean you need to just listen to society like a little puppet and stand against her. Do you have any minds of your own? All of your views on fashion sound incredibly cliché. You think that high fashion is only limited to stick-thin, pale skinned, European, pixie-haired socialites. Fashion is the celebration of all women.
Tyra booked 25 shows her first season in Paris - including Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and Dolce & Gabbana in the early nineties - to this day, she still holds that record for the most shows booked by any model in her first season. It was the way she held herself, her presence, the way she could seduce you with one glare - that got her those bookings. She represents a dying era in fashion - an era where all types of women could beautiful - you had Tyra and Kate Moss booking the same shows. Now, as time goes by it seams as though every model will look like an Iris Strubegger clone in the years to come, and that is quite scary to me. I think you're unworldly if you can't see the natural beauty and elegance that lies beneath these photos.

Anonymous said...

we do have minds of our own, and we just don't like her. You didn't have write a whole essay bitch. and she is fucking ugly

r1ma said...

Good grief...please don't refer to anyone here as a bitch, especially to Kasia.

Calling someone a bitch is not the best way to win an intellectual discussion...perhaps a fist fight, but not while on the internet...it just shows a lack of creativity or wit in my opinion...

guys should I really start moderating comments? I don't want to because it's just a fashion/ stardoll blog...

personal attacks is just so lame and tacky...do that in your own time and to your real life bullies...not to people on the internet please...we all have our own isssues

Kasia said...

Well, thank you Rima.
That's fine if you don't like her. People just need to learn to have a little more respect.

זבל said...

Gosh, people, can't you tell apart between debating and fighting? Each person can have his own opinion, and if the opinions clash it doesn't mean that you need to start calling someone "bitch".

Anyway, I personally don't like her. But I do appreciate her as a model.