How do you say Hervé Léger correctly?


or Comme de Garcons?

Or Yves Saint Laurent?

Or Hermès

Or my personal favorite, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

Or Balmain?

I always think these are interesting. I always used to pronounce it bahl-mayn.

I need to practice on that throaty “Laurent”


Kasia said...

The only one I really got wrong recently was Olivier Theyskens. You're supposed to pronounce it like; "ILIVIAY TESS-KANS". I used to think his first name was 'Oliver', not 'Olivier'. So, yeah... Haha!

Also, Lanvin is not pronounced "LANVIN", It's pronounced "LAHN-VAHn", people!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!
(i used to do the same with Balmain)

Cam said...

I'm such a mess with designer names. I'll try to act all smart and be like "see those shoes? They're givenchy.", only to be corrected in pronounciation.

AnnA-twilighter said...

Wow.. I think I may go watch all of these videos!

Fakeshake3 said...

I got them all right ^-^ I watch too much fashion tv D:

Leave me Breathless said...

yeah most of them I new but I had no idea on Jean-Charles de Castelbajac , that's hilarious, I love this post, its so easy to pronounce many designers wrong.


Anonymous said...

I find them pretty easy to pronounce :D

see_my_bling said...

I've been saying them all correctly. yay!

peace_oglory said...

Oh, damn, I only pronounced two of them correctly. I'm glad I didn't say anything out loud on some inapropriate place. It takes me back few years ago to when I was "fighting" with my friend about how you pronounce Haute Couture. lol
Good post.. :)