Worst New Trends Ever


Carmen Electra, you drunk you. Who started this trend? I know Cassie did it and so did Rhianna, to a lesser extent since her hair is not that long.

But OMG, Carmen?

Tube tops for men. Thanks a lot Jean Paul Gaultier.
You just know there will be some gay, who is slave enough to fashion, trying to pull off this look.

Not as bad, but still, it reminds me of JLo somehow.

Are they bad, or should we be more open minded?


Kasia said...

Oh, god. Alice Dellal started that trend. Carmen must be going through some mid-life crisis.

The tube top looks kind of ridiculous, but it's intriguing... Maybe in a few years?

thatgirlsophy said...

uggg bad very bad

Anonymous said...

I never see my self in a tube top.
Oh the embarassment.